
Terms & Conditions



  • The User hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Dash 2 Trade and any affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, marketers, interns, and employees harmless from any claim or lawsuit, including reasonable lawyer’s fees, made by any third party due to or arising from the loss of any custom data, auto-trading (bots) configured, and from any damage that such loss could cause in any applicable laws, rules, or regulations.



  • Dash2Trade: "Dash 2 Trade Ltd", Dash2Trade a limited liability company registration 116331 with its office located at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Marshall Islands, MH96960.

  • Account: the Account on the Platform created by User, which is limited for use by User via the Login Credentials.

  • Signals: recommendations for buying or selling cryptocurrencies shared by third-party “Signal Providers” engaging with Dash 2 Trade. Users have the option to configure the software on the Platform, such that it will automatically buy currencies based on these Signals.

  • Platform: the platform Dash 2 Trade has been developed to enable Users to connect with Signal Providers, enabling Users to trade in cryptocurrencies on the crypto market using a crypto trader bot and provided Signals. The Platform is available through the Website.

  • Subscription Term: the Initial Term of the Subscription, plus any subsequent renewal subscription term(s).

  • User(s): individual private person(s) or legal entity(ies) making use of the Services. Users are also referred to as “you”.

Registration and personal account

Registration and personal account

  • If you want to use our Services, go to our Website.

  • To make use of all the functions of the Platform, Dash 2 Trade requires you to register and create an Account. In order to create an Account, you must inter alia provide your e-mail address and choose a strong password, as instructed during the registration process. The e-mail address and chosen password, together, form the “Login Credentials”.

  • Through the Account, users interact with Dash 2 Trade’s subscription smart contract to purchase subscription access. Once you have deposited crypto into the smart contract, it cannot be withdrawn.

  • You may not allow use of your Account by any third party. You are fully responsible for non-disclosure of your Login Credentials and the use of your Account. If, for whatsoever reason, your Account is blocked or deleted, you are no longer entitled to use the Platform, e.g. by using another Account and/or creating a new Account.

  • You warrant that the information provided when creating an Account is correct and complete. You are responsible for the accuracy of the data in your Account.

  • Dash 2 Trade is entitled, at all times, to no longer make available certain functionalities of the Account, Platform or other Services, to not grant an Account to any person and to demand additional requirements for granting an Account.

Offers and prices

Offers and prices

  • All offers and free trials regarding the Services are subject to these Terms.

  • The prices on the Website and Platform do not include taxes and expenses, unless indicated otherwise.

  • Dash 2 Trade has the right to amend its prices at any time. Such price change may take effect immediately.

  • Dash 2 Trade cannot be held to an offer or quotation that can reasonably be understood to contain an obvious mistake or error.



  • You need a subscription to use all the functions of the Platform (the “Subscription”). Subscriptions are offered for a fixed $ amount per year. You can apply for a Subscription on our Website and platform.

  • Dash 2 Trade offers several sorts of packages as a Subscription. Each package differs in the number of positions, selected currencies, frequency of scanning the crypto market and the amount of support from Dash 2 Trade. You can find all the available packages on our Website.

  • Without prejudice to the other provisions in these Terms, the Subscription shall commence and expire in accordance with the start date and end date indicated in the subscription package.

  • Dash 2 Trade will give User access to the Platform corresponding to its Subscription immediately on the start date of such Subscription. User can use and set up one dash 2 trade account on the basis of one subscription.

  • After the Initial Term, Subscriptions paid for with D2T or ETH tokens must be manually extended by the user. Subscriptions purchased with a credit card will automatically renew every 12 months. Dash 2 Trade shall not be held responsible for any consequences resulting from the user's failure to extend or renew the Subscription, including loss of access to the platform.

  • All sales of Subscriptions are final. Dash 2 Trade maintains a strict no refund policy on all Subscriptions. Once a Subscription has been purchased, no refunds, cancellations, or credits will be issued.



  • The price of the subscription, denominated in $ amount, is paid yearly by the User. Possible methods of payment are displayed on the Website and include for example D2T tokens and ETH on the Ethereum blockchain. Onramper solutions may also be provided in the future allowing for payments using Paypal and credit cards.

  • In the event Dash 2 Trade is unable to collect the fees due, or the User does not pay the fees as referred to in article 5.1, Dash 2 Trade has the right to disable any functionality of the Platform or Account to the User, without prejudice to any other rights Dash 2 Trade may have.

  • The Account of the User will remain active for the period that User has already paid for.

Fair use of our Platform

Fair use of our Platform

  • You must be at least 18 years old to use our Platform.

  • You may not use the Platform (or other Services) in such way that you violate applicable law and regulations, including but not limited to financial and taxation regulations.

  • As a condition for using the Platform (or other Services), you agree not to provide any information, data or content to us, other users, or the Platform that is incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete or that violates any law or regulation, or is unacceptable to general standards. In addition, you agree that you will not, nor allow third parties to engage in, among others, the following actions:

    • enter any non-public / secure areas of the Platform (or other Services);
    • send viruses, worms, junk mail, spam, chain letters, unsolicited offers or ads of any kind and for any purpose;
    • investigate, scan, or test the Platform (or other Services) or any other related system or network, or violate any security or authentication;
    • use any automated systems to withdraw data from the Platform (or other Services) (“screen-scraping”);
    • make and distribute copies of the Platform (or other Services);
    • attempt to sell, distribute, copy, rent, sub-license, loan, merge, reproduce, alter, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, transfer, exchange, translate, hack, distribute, harm or misuse the Platform (or other Services); or
    • create derivative works of any kind whatsoever.
  • Dash 2 Trade may disable any functionality of the Platform (or other Services) temporarily or permanently, if User violates this clause and/or other provisions of the Terms and/or generally causes damage to Dash 2 Trade, Users and/or Signal Providers.

Intellectual property

Intellectual property

  • Dash 2 Trade is the exclusive licensee of all intellectual property rights vesting in and relating to (all content made available through the use of) our Services, such as – but not limited to – patents, patent applications, trademarks, trademark applications, database rights, service marks, trade names, copyrights, trade secrets, licenses, domain names, know-how, property rights and processes (“Intellectual Property Rights”).

  • As long as User complies with all its obligations, User obtains a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and revocable license for use of the Services in accordance with these Terms and the Subscription. If User no longer complies with its obligations, Dash 2 Trade can withdraw this license with no notice of default being required.

Availability of the Services and disclaimer of warranties

Availability of the Services and disclaimer of warranties

  • The Platform is available on computers, handheld mobile devices and other devices specifically indicated as compatible by Dash 2 Trade. Dash 2 Trade uses all reasonable efforts to ensure that you can access and use the Platform at all times. Due to the nature of the services offered, Dash 2 Trade cannot guarantee the error-free and uninterrupted access to- and functioning of the Platform.

  • Dash 2 Trade will use its reasonable efforts to properly select Signal Providers. However, Dash 2 Trade is in no way responsible for the quality or content of the Signals. The results of selected Signals are entirely at the risk of the User.

  • Dash 2 Trade does not accept any responsibility for the unavailability of the Platform (or Services), or any difficulty or inability to download or access content, or any other communication system failure which may result in Services being unavailable.

  • Dash 2 Trade may – at its own discretion – update, modify, or adapt the Platform and their functionalities from time to time and shall strive to keep downtime to a minimum. Dash 2 Trade is not responsible for any support or maintenance regarding the Platform (or other Services), and/or any downtime resulting from these actions.

  • To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Dash 2 Trade hereby disclaims all implied warranties regarding the availability of the Platform (or other Services). The Services are provided "as is" and "as available" without warranty of any kind.

  • Dash 2 Trade takes the utmost care in compiling its Services for you. However, we cannot vouch for third parties involved in the use of- and access to our Platform (or other Services). For third parties used by the User, the User is solely responsible.

  • Dash 2 Trade and User agree to the following limitation of liability with respect to the use of the Services:

    • Dash 2 Trade is not liable in any way for Users’ (direct or indirect) damages or costs of whatsoever nature.
    • Dash 2 Trade is not liable for damage of User that occurs due to the fact Dash 2 Trade assumed incorrect or incomplete information provided by User to be correct or complete in the execution of the Agreement.
    • If Dash 2 Trade is liable, for any reason, the liability will be limited to an amount of $ 1000 USD or 100% of the total amount paid by User for the use of the Services in the foregoing 6 months or to the amount the insurance company of Dash 2 Trade will disburse in that specific case, whichever is lower.
  • Without prejudice to other provisions in these Terms, Dash 2 Trade is not liable for any damage resulting from (no or limited) access to and use of the Platform (or other Services) or the content provided thereon, including loss of profit arising in any way from, but not limited to:

    • the operation or unavailability of this Platform (or other Services);
    • downloading or using any functions and/or software available through our Platform (or other Services) (such as Signal Providers and hyperlinks);
    • claims of third parties (or regarding third parties) in connection with the use of the Platform (or other Services);
    • loss of data;
    • the proper functioning of (hyper)links available through our Platform (or other Services);
    • the quality of any template containing Dash 2 Trade settings, provided by Users on the Website;
    • the (lack of) financial benefit for the Users through the use of the Platform;
    • any situation where Users mobile devices and/or login Credentials are stolen and any third party subsequently makes use of the Services without User’s consent;
    • any damage or alteration to User’s equipment including but not limited to computer equipment or a (handheld) device as a result of the installation or use of the Platform (or other Services);
    • any damage incurred due to the use of an exchange that our Platform is using for trading or otherwise connected to or due to the use of any other third party required, for example as a result of unavailability or insolvency thereof; or
    • a failure to meet any of Dash 2 Trade’s obligations under these Terms where such failure is due to events beyond Dash 2 Trade’s reasonable control.
  • The information and data on “User Forums” (such as Discord, Telegram, reddit etc) are User Generated. Dash 2 Trade has no influence on the data and information that is transmitted between Users on the User-Forums and Dash 2 Trade will not monitor any content on the User-Forum uploaded or shared by Users. Therefore, Dash 2 Trade is not liable for any data and information on the User-Forum and Question-Section. Dash 2 Trade may remove content and information from the User-Forum and Question-Section if we are notified that the content or information is unlawful, violating these Terms or is otherwise inappropriate.



  • Dash 2 Trade has a support desk where User can ask questions about the Services or ask for support. Dash 2 Trade will only give advice about the functioning of the Services.

  • Dash 2 Trade explicitly does not:

    • Give Users any personal advice on recommended settings for the Dash 2 Trade;
    • Give Users any personal financial advice.
  • Dash 2 Trade may upload general tutorials and academy videos on the Website, about the functioning of the Services.

  • All tutorials, videos and templates uploaded by Dash 2 Trade are general and contain in no way personal and/or financial advice. All use of these tutorials, videos and templates is at the sole risk of the User.

  • User may connect their Dash 2 Trade to Signal Providers. Signal Providers are not provided by Dash 2 Trade, but they are provided by external advisors. All use of Signal Providers is at the sole risk of the User.



  • The use of our Services is only suitable only for Users that fully understand the risks involved in such use. This, inter alia, implies that you understand the price volatility in the cryptocurrency market and that the potential loss in trading or holding crypto currencies can be all or substantial. You guarantee that you shall only put in money that you can afford to lose.

  • You warrant that you are aware that additional risks of trading cryptocurrencies may exist that have not been set forth in these Terms, our Website, App and/or on our Platform. You understand that it remains at all times your responsibility to carefully assess all the risks and determine whether your level of knowledge, financial standing and tolerance for risk are suitable for the use of our Services and the use of cryptocurrencies which are part of a volatile market. Moreover, you are aware of the risks associated with the use of our Services, among which the risk of possible errors and interruptions, and you assume full responsibility for these risks.

  • At no point, does Dash 2 Trade provide any investment, legal or tax advice. Dash 2 Trade does not consider your personal circumstances (among which, your financial situation and investment objectives). If you wish to receive such advice or considerations, it is your responsibility to seek independent, professional advice prior to the use of our Services.



  • User will indemnify, defend, and hold Dash 2 Trade harmless from and against all liabilities, damages and costs (including settlement costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of third-party claims regarding:

    • any injury or damages resulting from behaviour of User related to the use of our Services; and
    • breach by User of these Terms or violation of any applicable law, regulation or order.

Where Dash 2 Trade provides hyperlinks to third party websites, such links are not an endorsement by Dash 2 Trade of any products or services provided on or via such websites. The use of such hyperlinks is entirely at your own risk. Dash 2 Trade accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the content, use or availability of such websites. The veracity, accuracy, reasonability, reliability and completeness of information contained on such internet sites has not been verified by Dash 2 Trade.



    • Dash 2 Trade reserves the right to change these Terms. When we change these Terms in a significant way, we will notify Users by newsletter (if User has provided us with his e-mail address to this end) and post a notification on our Website along with the updated Terms. By continuing to use the Services, you acknowledge the most recent version of these Terms.

    • If we do not enforce (parts of) these Terms, this cannot be construed as consent or waiver of the right to enforce them at a later moment in time or against another User.

    • User cannot transfer the rights and obligations from these Terms to third parties.

    • The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of these Terms. Any such invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced or be deemed to be replaced by a provision that is considered to be valid and enforceable and which interpretation shall be as close as possible to the intent of the invalid provision.

    • These Terms shall exclusively be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Marshall Islands

    • Unless mandatory law compels differently, all disputes resulting from or arising in connection with these Terms shall be exclusively submitted to the competent court of the Marshall Islands, unless the dispute can be settled in an amicable fashion.

    Complaints, comments and suggestions

    Complaints, comments and suggestions

    Dash 2 Trade strives to give you optimal service. If you have a complaint, comment or suggestion, you can contact us at Discord. Please provide us with your contact details, and a clear description and reason for your complaint. Complaints are usually processed within 7 working days.

      Got any questions?

      We are always happy to help! Check our our FAQs page or get in touch with our team.