
Get crypto with diversified bundles

Dash 2 Trade Crypto Bundles allows you to invest in crypto without having to think about which coin to buy. The perfect tool for the passive investor to buy-and-hold for the long term!

Bid farewell to the headaches of picking cryptos. Set and forget.

Bid farewell to the headaches of picking cryptos. Set and forget.

Reduces risks - no single holding can make or break your investment.

Reduces risks - no single holding can make or break your investment.

Sit back with comprehensive bundles with Dash 2 Trade's bundles.

Sit back with comprehensive bundles with Dash 2 Trade's bundles.

Get your crypto Bundle in 5 minutes

Dash 2 Trade Crypto Bundles allows you to invest in crypto without having to think about which coin to buy. The perfect tool for the passive investor to buy-and-hold for the long term!


Sign up to D2T

Open your D2T account with a click of a button and subscribe.


Link your exchange with D2T

Dash 2 Trade supports setting your crypto bundle with the following exchanges: Kraken, Binance, Bitget, Bybit and more to come.


Buy your Bundle in one click

Choose your Bundle, fill in an amount, and buy a combination of the most popular cryptos in one go.


We take care of the rest

Core Selection

Select from a diverse range of bundles that you can buy with one click.

Top 2

Get the 2 most popular crypto assets ― Bitcoin & Ethereum

Top 5

Covers 80% of the crypto market

Top 10

Reach ~84% coverage of the crypto market

Top 25

Reach ~89% coverage of the crypto market

Explore Our Bundles

Bundle NameassetsCoverage of CryptoAction
Top 2Top 2
2 assets
Top 5Top 5
5 assets
Top 10Top 10
10 assets
Top 25Top 25
25 assets
20 assets

Frequently asked questions

Does Dash 2 Trade offer signals?

Yes! But not in a "trade setup" way. We offer live signals on market events, such as: EMA cross-up/down, channels, and channel breakouts, golden cross, and many more! Note that this feature is only available for PRO users. See more details here

What is the idea behind Dash 2 Trade?

The main vision of Dash 2 Trade is to have an all-in-one dashboard to meet crypto trading needs for retail.

Firstly we see ourselves as an on-ramp for the versatile trading space that crypto has to offer. We want to convert the typical crypto user to the successful crypto trader. This means a lower barrier to entries to various aspects of the trading space - like coming up with and testing a strategy.

Second - We want Dash 2 Trade to be a consistent and independent source of signal and actionable insight. This we aim to offer in various ways by presenting unique information from the crypto markets to users

And Third - We aim to build a strong trading community. 'Social Trading' is a concept that we have clear ideas on how to execute - mainly through trading competitions and signal sharing. We want to create the environment that facilitates this and engages the community with the Dash 2 Trade platform.

Is Dash 2 Trade a dex or cex?

Neither - it is a trading analytics tool. We do have an integration with cex in the form of an auto trading tool that is in development. This means you can connect your exchange/brokers API to our system and set up automated trades that are routed through your preferred CEX for execution.

What is the minimum subscription duration for Dash 2 Trade?

One month. You can purchase a monthly subscription with credit card only. Yearly subscriptions are available with ETH and D2T payment options.

How can I buy D2T token?


Firstly, make sure you have a MetaMask account ready (for mobile users we recommend using Trust Wallet).


Go straight to the buy page for D2T on Uniswap by clicking here. Make sure you are on before you proceed


Click on the ‘Connect’ button and select your wallet option to enable Uniswap to interact with your wallet. Make sure you are connected to the Ethereum network.


Once connected you can buy D2T tokens using ETH or USDT. Just choose the amount of D2T tokens you wish to buy and click ‘Swap’.

How to buy

Take note of the price impact, minimum received, and network fee before proceeding. Check the order details, then click ‘Confirm Swap’

How do the pre-set strategies get populated

We have written a script that test many different configurations of coins and indicators automatically. Some of the interesting results are added to the presets so that users can learn from this.

How can I cancel my subscription to tiers?

You can cancel your subscription by going to the "My Subscription" section. Depending on the subscription you have selected and how long you have been using the platform, you may or may not be eligible to cancel your subscription. We also maintain a strict no refund policy.

How can I contact Dash 2 Trade for customer support?

The best way to get in contact with Dash 2 Trade is to create a ticket in the support section on the Dash 2 Trade Discord server. You can access the server by using the link below. In the server you will find the support section where you can create a ticket, and you will be able to receive assistance from Dash 2 Trade's customer support team.

Where can I claim my D2T tokens from pre-sale?

Go to, make sure you have enough ETH for gas fees. After claiming don't forget to add the D2T contract so you can "see" the tokens in your wallet. Add D2T contract to the wallet by "adding a custom token" within the wallet settings. Be sure to add the correct D2T Address: 0x4Dd942bAa75810a3C1E876e79d5cD35E09C97A76 Decimal: 18 Network: ETH Token Symbol: D2T

Can I try Dash 2 Trade for free before subscribing?

You have the free tier, which won't have all the features on it. We do not offer a free trial on the starter or Premium offering.

Can I change my personal details?

You can change your AI avatar and your username in the "My Profile" page

What the D2T data policy?

Find the privacy policy of Dash 2 Trade at the bottom of our landing page.

What indicators are included in Dash 2 Trade?

The list of indicators that Dash 2 Trade users is always expanding with user requests and new data streams being added. You can find an exhaustive indicator list and their explanation under the 'guides' section.

Built for the future.